Tuesday 20 June 2017

Children who Risk Death to Reach School

June 20, 2017

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To the delight of millions, the school season is beginning in many countries throughout the world.In the mountains of southwest China's Sichuan province, a group of children must descend an 800-meter cliff to reach their school. According to officials, the life-threatening journey has resulted in the death of at least eight people over the years.During this crossing they also carries heavy bags in their back which adds another risk factor in their journey. If it rains or snows, the danger doubles.The following images show kids risking their lives to get to school through the most extreme conditions.

School kids in Cairo, Egypt hitching a ride at the back of a van

School kids in Cairo, Egypt hitching a ride at the back of a van
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Balancing above water, a scene from Manila, Philippines
Balancing above water, a scene from Manila, Philippines
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 Some children have resorted to crossing the river by foot. Here, a mother is seen escorting her daughter to school
Children crossing a river to reach school
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This wooden boat is packed full up to the roof before heading off to school Pangururan, Indonesia 

This wooden boat is packed full up to the roof before heading off to school Pangururan, Indonesia
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School girls crossing a river on a makeshift raft in Indonesia

School girls crossing a river on a makeshift raft in Indonesia
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Children Crossing A Damaged Suspension Bridge, Lebak, Indonesia

Children Crossing A Damaged Suspension Bridge, Lebak, Indonesia
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